You are worried. Your family is in trouble and you do not know your rights. You do not have legal status here in the United States. Your creditors are calling and bothering you day and night. Your have landlord or tenant problems and need legal assistance to protect your rights. Don't worry! You have come to the right place. Help is just one click away!
Help me with Nevada Divorce
Help me with California Divorce
Help me with California Child custody, visitation or support
Help me with Nevada Child custody, visitation and support
Help me with Immigration
Help me with Nevada evictions, collections and misc. civil
Help me with California evictions, collections and misc. civil
Any and all requests for legal advise or legal documents ordered from are reviewed and responded to ONLY by Julie Bachman a licensed attorney with over ten years practice experience. After you fill out and submit the request form, you will have a phone or personal interview with the attorney to be sure that the documents prepared by meet your specific needs, and to insure that your interests are protected.